What's The Difference Between Panel Beating And Smash Repairs ?
Panel beaters are the people who repair vehicles. Panel beaters all have different areas of expertise and can perform a variety of repairs. They may be able to help you with your car, caravan or boat but not with your motorbike, motorcycle or bicycle. Panel beaters are often confused with smash repairers because both types of people fix vehicles that have been damaged in an accident. The difference between these two trades is that panel beating is about restoring damaged parts using new materials while Brighton Smash Repairs involves using recycled parts from other cars or bikes so that every part is as old as possible when it goes back on your vehicle again! Panel beaters have a long history of repairing and restoring motor vehicles. Panel beating is the process of restoring damaged vehicle body panels to their original condition, using either new or refurbished materials. Since the inception of cars, panel beaters have been involved in their repair and restoration. In fact,...